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BOD - 2024-04-24

Koocanusa Village Community Association - BOD 

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 - 7:30pm 

Microsoft Office Teams - Virtual & in-person

Meeting Minutes


Members in Attendance:  Bruce Cody, Kelly Kemick

Via Team Meet: Reg Patterson, Carl Hasse,  Darryl Binnion, Ciara Duffy

Not in Attendance: Colin Stroeder, Rick Spasiuk, Jared Bell, Sheri Dean


1.     Call the meeting to order at 7:37pm.


2.     Review and adopt minutes from previous meeting. 

·       Minutes accepted by Carl and 2nd by Reg

3.     Agenda approved all in favour to accept with the following added items:

·       Budget

·       AGM date discussion

·       Fire and Safety – Another meeting to discuss procedure for borrowing KVCA Fired Equipment – Meeting date 4:00 pm Friday April 19, 2024.


4.     Review Latest Financials and Budget


·       3 lots left to collect for KVCA fees from all lots for the last year (2023)

·       40 lots fees not collected left for this year's collection


Motion put forward to amalgamate all funds designated for Special Events & Donations into one line item.  Also, to add $2,250 monies in net income to Special Events & Donations.

Note: $2100.00 grant money must be spent on Canada Day Event.

·       Budget discussions are on-going and will be continued at the next meeting



5.   Correspondence & Membership Maintenance:  Kelly & Bruce 

·        Investigating why some Gmail emails are undeliverable when a group email is sent.  


6.   Community Engagement: Darryl, Sheri & Jared 

·        Survey to be created to vote preferred weekend AGM and community clean-up will be held.  The two options are on the May long weekend or the weekend after the May Long.  Also, to ask who would attend the hotdog BBQ? 

Action: Ciara


7.       Fire & Safety – VFD&VFA: Ciara, Darryl & Rick 

·        Bruce had a discussion with Fire and Safety group. They have created a wish list of wanted Fire and Safety items.

·        A motion was put forward to sell fire truck (would need to be fixed first) and buy a bigger and better cargo trailer. Vote would be put forward at AGM.  An option would be to pull $10,000 out of savings account to buy cargo trailer. Action: Bruce to create an email for community to have vote at the AGM as to whether to keep the fire truck.

·        A second AED has been requested – location yet unknown.  Need an insulated heated casing for it to be stored over winter.  

·        Updated AED location signs are needed.  Kelly to speak to Roger Sontag re: original sign templates.


8.      Developer Relations: Jared & Rick 

·        No updates


9.     Growth & Development Relations: Reg & Colin 

·        Discussions held with both 771 and 832 Strata presidents re: community maintenance of common areas.  771 has more areas to maintain.  Suggested that 771 will maintain ownership and hand over maintenance control to KVCA.

·        Form a sub-committee to define process to move budget items from stratas to the KVCA. 

·        Present idea to KVCA at the next AGM.  

10.  General Board Items

·       Alan Agate resignation was accepted on Monday April 15, 2024


11.  Next BOD Meeting set for Wednesday May 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm.

12.  Meeting adjourned 8:57 pm.