Koocanusa Village Community Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
June 10th, 2021
Held virtually (MS Teams) and by proxy
Call to Order:
Reg Patterson, President
June 10th, 2021 7:30PM
Via MS Teams
Confirmation of Attendance and Proxies:
51 proxies received
3 members in attendance virtually
54 total voting members present and by proxy
159 eligible votes (in good standing)
40 votes required for quorum (25% of Members in good standing - as per KVCA bylaws)
Majority vote count of 28
Verification of Notice of Meeting:
Motion by Lot 771-64 that notice of the AGM had been properly given and validly constituted
Seconded by Lot 832-03
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Acceptance of Agenda:
Motion by Lot 832-35 to approve the agenda as presented
Seconded by Lot 832-20
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Acceptance of the May 19, 2021 Annual General Meeting Minutes:
Motion by Lot 771-64 to approve the AGM minutes as presented
Seconded by Lot 832-20
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Update from the Board was given by President Reg Patterson
General Business
Acceptance of Financial Report:
2020 Financial Reports included in package
Motion by Lot 832-20 to to accept the financial reports
Seconded by Lot 832-35
Discussion: None
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Approval of 2021 Budget (to cover period of January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021)
The proposed 2021 budget was included in the package ($100/Lot/Annum Membership Fee)
Motion by Lot 832-20 to approve the budget as presented
Seconded by Lot 771-64
Discussion: None
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
New Business
No new business
Election of KVCA Council
Reg handed over the chair to Greg Poncelet for election of president
Election of President:
Reg Patterson accepted nomination
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 771-64 to to elect Reg Patterson for President
Seconded by Lot 771-69
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Election of Vice-President:
Greg Poncelet accepted nomination
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 832-20 to to elect Greg Poncelet for Vice-President
Seconded by Lot 832-03
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Election of Treasurer:
Carl Haase accepted nomination
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 771-64 to to elect Carl Haase for Treasurer
Seconded by Lot 832-20
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Election of Secretary:
Brian Bell accepted nomination
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 771-69 to to elect Brian Bell for Secretary
Seconded by Lot 771-64
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Election of Directors
The following have accepted nomination
Colin Strider, Strata 832 - Director
Frank Angyal, Strata 832 - Director
Taryn Davis, Strata 771 - Director
Marilyn Blattler, Strata 771 - Director
Matt Becker, Strata 771 - Director
Barry Olsen, Strata Marina Pointe - Director
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 832-35 to elect the above list as Directors
Seconded by Lot 771-64
A vote was taken and passed unanimously
Meeting was declared adjourned
Reg Patterson, President
June 10th, 2021 7:47PM