Koocanusa Village Community Association
Annual General Meeting Minutes
November 3rd, 2020
Held virtually (MS Teams) and by proxy
Call to Order:
Reg Patterson, President
November 3, 2020 7:34PM
24 Cranleigh Bay S.E. Calgary, Alberta
Confirmation of Attendance and Proxies:
51 proxies received (3 board memebers in attendance by voted by proxy)
1 members in attendance virtually
52 total voting members present and by proxy
152 eligible votes (in good standing)
38 votes required for quorum (25% of Members in good standing - as per KVCA bylaws)
Majority vote count of 27
Verification of Notice of Meeting:
Motion by Lot 771-101 that notice of the AGM had been properly given and validly constituted
Seconded by Lot 832-20
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Acceptance of Agenda:
Motion by Lot 832-20 to approve the agenda as presented
Seconded by Lot 771-101
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Acceptance of the May 19, 2020 Annual General Meeting Minutes:
Motion by Lot 771-101 to approve the AGM minutes as presented
Seconded by Lot 832-20
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Update from the Board was given by President Reg Patterson
General Business
Acceptance of Financial Report:
2018/2019 and 2019 Stub Period Financial Reports included in package
Motion by Lot 771-101 to to accept the financial reports
Seconded by Lot 832-20
Discussion: None
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Approval of 2020 Budget and Membership Fees
The proposed 2020 budget was included in the package ($100/Lot/Annum Membership Fee)
Motion by Lot 832-20 to approve the budget as presented
Seconded by Lot 771-101
Discussion: None
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
New Business
Lot 771-90 expressed safety concerns for food handling at the July 1, 2019 Canada Day celebration. A volunteer cut their hand when cutting meat and the member felt that it may have contaminated food.
Lot 771-90 expressed safety concerns for opening the porta-potties at the marina beach which she felt was in contradiction with BC health recommendations at the time.
Election of KVCA Council
Reg handed over the chair to Colin Stroeder for election of president
Election of President:
Reg Patterson accepted nomination
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 771-101 to to elect Reg Patterson for President
Seconded by Lot 832-20
A vote was taken; For - 48, against - 2, Abstained - 1. Motion passed.
Chair handed back over to Reg Patterson
Election of Vice-President:
Greg Poncelet accepted nomination
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 832-20 to to elect Greg Poncelet for Vice-President
Seconded by Lot 771-101
A vote was taken; For - 48, against - 2, Abstained - 1. Motion passed.
Election of Treasurer:
Carl Haase accepted nomination
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 771-90 to to elect Carl Haase for Treasurer
Seconded by Lot 771-101
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Election of Secretary:
Terry Ross accepted nomination
No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 771-90 to to elect Terry Ross for Secretary
Seconded by Lot 832-20
A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Election of Directors
The following have accepted nomination
Darryl Binnion, Strata 771 - Director
Colin Stroeder, Strata 832 - Director
Chad McClarty, Strata 832 - Director
Frank Angyal, Strata 832 - Director
Taryn Davis, Strata 771 - Director
Nicole Wainwright, Strata 832 - Director
Marilyn Blattler, Strata 771 No additional nominations from the floor
Motion by Lot 771-101 to elect the above list as Directors
Seconded by Lot 771-97
A vote was taken; For - 48, against - 0, Abstained - 3. Motion passed.
Meeting was declared adjourned
Reg Patterson, President
November 3, 2020 7:59PM